We have reached the middle of the month. That means I have completed 850 of my goal of 1500 push-ups, and over half way through this years campaigns to push for a change in men’s health. I am really grateful for all the support as I tackle this challenge.
The pushups are for me and and my personal quest for a healthier life. Since my divorce, and even prior, I have face some serious ups and downs. It has not been easy and my health has suffered. Finding my why with raising my two boys kept me from sliding too into the gutter, but it was not easy and it was not smooth. Today I fight the time required to properly prepare meals, often choosing something simple and quick over something healthier. As a result, my Cholesterol is high and in serious need of attention even as my blood pressure and BMI appears solid. Like so many of the mental and emotional issues I faced, this one appears to be under the surface, not readily visible to my friends and family, and easily ignored even by me. However, like those emotional issues it will raise its head if it is not addressed with intention.
Thus, for me the daily-50 is my way of forming a discipline around a healthier lifestyle. One that I am looking to expand to eating habits and some other exercise routines.
I am also looking to bring awareness and funding to a larger cause. So throughout the month I have been growing my mustache and raising money for the Movember Foundation. Please join me in raising money for cancer research and suicide prevention – with you, we can make a difference.
The Movember Foundation (movember.com) continues to make an impact, funding projects and clinical studies as they search for cures to Prostate and Testicular cancer and improvement in mental health.
Learn more about Movember or about my push-up challenge (2019) at stilldaddy.net/movember.