Anyone single parent I am sure will understand the stress that can occur on the race to pick up your child from their after-school care program. Well, I currently enjoy a lengthy interstate commute each day to work. This generally means I need to leave early on the days that I have the kids to ensure I can pick my youngest up from his after school program. I am a single dad, I am a working dad … but I take the dad part of those statements very seriously. On my days the kids are under my care they are my responsibility.
Thus, the drive home from work as I race to make the 6pm closing time can be a bit stressful. There are days there is traffic, days where there is an accident, days where I get caught and can’t get away as I would like to. So far, in the year and a half I have been in my current role, I have managed to leave early enough that there hasn’t been a problem. For most of the previous school year I was able to coordinate with a family friend, which reduced the stress extensively – though I was always very conscious of the time. However, I was back with the standard after school care system this year.
Today I got caught running a quick errand after work which put me behind the 8-ball. For the first time I had to make the phone call. One I have been dreading since I started this new life as a single dad. One I have managed to avoid until now. I had to call their mom and see if she was available to pick them up. I had 30 minutes to make a 55 minute trip … so my GPS was telling me – I was going to be late. I “knew” I was going to hear about it.
She graciously dropped everything, which meant her leaving work. When I arrived at the school, not as late as I was expecting, I came baring coffee and a very grateful heart. She did not seem concerned or put out, simply said, “This is how it is suppose to work.”
She surprised me today. I am very grateful to her willingness to lend assistance without hesitation. Thank you.